Re: Zur Belebung des Forums ein paar Bilder ...

[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]

Geschrieben von Norbert am 29. Dezember 2006 11:16:01:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Zur Belebung des Forums ein paar Bilder ... geschrieben von otto am 29. Dezember 2006 10:14:48:

>>>>>schöne videos, danke! und wie weit bist du schon mit deinem experiment? schade, dass alles auf englisch ist.
>>>>>>>Sorry für überspitzte, dumme Frage, aber kann man damit Gravitation aufheben oder FE produzieren oder sowas? *null Ahnung davon habend, was das sein soll und wozu es gut ist*
>>>>>>guckst du eingabe "Steven Mark".
>>>>Muß mir erst noch drei Ozillatoren zusammenbauen, am besten mit Röhren wie es SM anfangs auch tat, ansonsten ist der effekt viel schwerer zu beobachten.
>>>von einem guten Freund habe ich erfahren dass auch hier ueber Steven Marks TPU diskutiert wird.
>>>Da ich an einem TPU schon Monate lang arbeite wuerde mich interessieren ob jemand von euch dran arbeitet.
>>>Ich poste bei overunity, gnosis, ctg labs...
>>hallo otto,
>>hier in das forum getragen habe ich es aber die resonaz ist nicht sonderlich groß.
>>ich verfolge ja eure dikussionen in regelmäßig. ich habe meine wicklungen (spaghettimonster ;-) ) bisher nur via soundkarten an zwei PCs ausprobiert aber bisher ohne besondere resultate. ich schätze aber mal das meine coils eh falsch gewickelt sind. wenn bei mir mal ein paar besondere ergebnisse herauskommen sollten würde ich das mit sicherheit im overunity-forum als erstes bekannt machen. ich finde die arbeit die dort viele leisten, insbesondere auch deine, echt großartig.
>>schade fand ich nur das dann plötzlich einige leute das forum samt iher texte verlassen haben und von mannix wichtige statments (drei ist wichtig und damit meinte SM die Frequenzen) dann woanders abgegeben hat.
>Hallo Norbert
>im overunity Forum hast du alles von mir was du brauchst. In den letzten Tagen war ich dort ziemlich aktiv und da ich ja schon ziemlich lange an der Sache dran bin sind meine Ergebnisse auch dementsprechend gut. Falls du oder, alle anderen, Hilfe brauchst stehe ich gerne zur Verfuegung.

hi otto,

ja ich weiß, habe hier auch schon darauf aufmerksam gemacht. außer pese und mir gibt es hier kaum jemanden der sich sonderlich dafür interessiert( allerdings teils auch wegen sprachlicher barrieren). aber schon alleine deine ergebnisse zeigen, dass die sache sehr vielversprechend ist.

1 There are several parts of the power unit which have patents. Remember that the power unit technology is owned
by the UEC corporation and I have to be very careful about not stepping on their toes. I am not afraid of them or
anything like that. It is just that they are the legitimate owners of the patents and most of the research ect.
I would not like to break my trust with them.
However, I can, and will give to all of you as much information as I can. I believe that I will be able to give you
enough information to begin research on your own. I just have to pass it in front of my attorney first so I do not
get myself into trouble, that's all.

2 I will in time give out a basic Hardware diagram which you may find helpful.
3 No I will not publish a schematic diagram of the control circuit. It is proprietary information owned and controlled
by the UEC corporation, so I won't go there.

4 I will tell you about my initial experiments and what Electron tube circuits I used to control the frequencies that
gave us our significant breakthroughs way back when.

5 Yes, Stefan I do intend to point you in the right direction. You deserve at least that much for all of the good
effort you have put forth for so long. And especially your kindness to me.
6 About the Flame like Discharge. Yes it does cause RF burns. I was going to tell about that, but I decided to wait
and see how long it would take one of you to realize this on your own. Bravo!

7 The patents are in several segments pertaining only to the control units not the collector coil itself, so I will send you examples of the hardware diagrams. however, I do not have access to a PC at all times so it will take some time for me to be able to scan things and send them off, be patient please. Also I am not spending all my time sitting in front of a PC reading and sending. I must travel to a public place in order to safely send any information at all.
8 YES, torodial transformers have some very weird factors.. Study the strange factors.
9 Your interest in the harmonic resonance is also stepping toward the right direction of things. But then again it depends on your viewpoint about exactly what harmonic resonance is and how it relates to mag fields and converting energy as does my power unit.
10 We have done a great deal of experimentation with permanent magnets with some very astounding results.
I could stop now and start over again with that subject alone. Has anyone ever read any of the reports about our experiments with what was called, the Magnetic shadow casting material? No it wasn't some kind of paint. But you would be fascinated with the amount of renewable energy you can extract from a permanent magnet! We went through about ten thousand dollars worth of Neodymium and Super Cobalt 404 magnetic material in our experiments. I could write volumes of information about that stuff. Those experiments tie in to our development of the power unit.
11 Yes, I agree, why does everybody assume that magnetic fields are so single dimensional?
they are not . . .they can't be.
12 Who ever it was that said there might be possibly military applications for this technology is a very wise man. We believe that is probably the primary government interest followed by the ever popular oil industry trying to stop it.
13 I am sorry, they are not piezo stacks. However, they do look like it. And some of what you said is not far off at all.
14 Both Freedomfuel and bushwacker have good and relevant points.
15 Yes there is an inertia.
16 Yes there is a genuine gyroscopic effect when the units are on. Everybody has noticed that when held and in operation, the units have a definite vibration and have a gyroscopic effect. They seam to resist being moved through the air. When placed on a smooth surface it is very pronounced. Some of you should think about that.
17 Rotation of field. . . How many people think about that. If you could have a field that you could think of as a big ball. And you could rotate it in two directions what would the ramifications be?
I hope some of you will appreciate this info, my direct response and the spirit in which it is given.

die letzte ausage von SM (17) wäre mal interessant zu testen. wenn du die möglichkeit hast versuche doch mal die ringe (dann nur 2) jeweils in entgegengesetzter richtung zu pulsen. Nur mal so am rande bemerkt.

es ist denke ich auch besser wenn es erstmal zentral im overunity-forum behandelt wird. wenn dann etwas brauchbares herauskommt kann man interessierte immernoch dorthin verweisen.

Dir alles gut und guten rusch in neue jahr



[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]