Re: Wie ein Blatt im Wind - Floyd Sweets VTA

[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]

Geschrieben von cb am 09. Oktober 2005 22:31:20:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Wie ein Blatt im Wind - Floyd Sweets VTA geschrieben von Emil am 07. Oktober 2005 18:39:49:

>>Um zu funktionierenden Ergebnissen zu gelangen muss man die eigenen Denkblokaden überwinden, und sowas kann schon mal Jahre dauern!
>>Vielleicht stört es ja Jemand?
>betrifft Liste in:
>der dort aufgelistete Magnetmotor von Grander wurde meines Wissens vom Patentamt
>nicht akzeptiert, weil er bestehende Technologien gefährde;
>eine solche Offenheit(anstatt Verfolgung) zeigt einen Fortschritt im Umgang mit
>Erfindern an;
>der Beschreibung nach sollte der Motor der von Searl oder Sweet vorgestellten
>Technologie ähneln.


Auf GRANDER ist in folgendem Artikel unter BIG BROTHER CIA was zu lesen,
anderen Erfindern geht nicht besser.
Ein Japaner wurde mit einem Spielzeugmotor f Jahrmark-Scooter offensichtlich
"übersehen" und Produkte in USA exportiert...

Lesen Staunen Verstehen ..

Inventors Beware! The Deadly Campaign Against Free-energy Devices
by Erik Masen

You've heard us say it before--"join us on a journey you'll never forget"--but it has never been truer of any article than it is of this one. Strap your seat belt on tight and maybe every wear a helmet, because here we go . . .

Throughout this century, a quiet revolution has been breaking out m many parts of the world. Like mast, Tit bas been strenuously resisted; still, it grows. Unreported by the mainstream media, establishment scientific journals or university research publications, it yet affects everyone and everything on Earth. It is happening in the seemingly obscure, high-tech field of energy production, but its basics are easy to understand and priceless to know, offering each of us unprecedented power and challenging coot concepts of not only what we can do but who we are.

Curious, ingenious minds, working with cold fusion, superconductivity' and magnetic motors, have ,node discoveries that can revolutionize how we travel, work and live. On many occasions they have observed experimental results which appear to violate currently known laws of physics, chemistry and electrodynamics- Such phenomena are called free or over-unity energy, usually meaning that more energy is produced by a system or reaction (magnetic motor or cold-fusion reaction) than appeals to go into it. A better explanation is that the "excess" energy is coming from an unexplained source. (Example: The atomic bomb is an over, unity device: it produces tremendously more energy, as harmful radiation, than is needed to trigger the reaction.)

Skeptics' first question about such inventions is usually: "If this technology is for real and discoveries (such as Pons & Fleischman's cold-fusion cell yr Rory Johnson's fusion magnetic motor) have been made, why have they not been reported or mass-produced here in the United States or abroad far oar energy-hungry world?"

The answer is suppression (see sidebar, page 46), This can be active-as by a competing company that does not want the invention marketed: destroying lab and prototype and threatening to kill the inventor if he attempts to market the device again.'

Passive suppression can involve a rich competitor, such as a major oil company that buys up the inventor's patent with no intention of bringing the product to market until demand for oil greatly exceeds supply and gas prices soar. The company would then ride in on white horses to "save the people" with its 200-miles-per-gallon carburetor or 300percent-efficient magnetic motor or super-powerful batteries for electric vehicles.

Another type of passive suppression comes from some universities receiving major funding from oil- of nuclear establishment sources. These might refuse to do research or might muzzle bright professors who wish to publish theories on the whats, hows and whys of over-unity motors and cold-fusion reactions, Likewise, the U.S. Patent Office itself refuses to grant patents on the technology, claiming that "perpetual motion" machines aren't patentable.

Yet, the possibility of developing over-unity energy technology continues to attract and hold the attention of some clever, nonconformist inventors who admire geniuses like Nikola Tesla, John Keely, T. Henry Moray' and others. Two primary lines of research and discovery have been targeted: "clean" (i.e., non-radioactive), cold fusion versus "dirty" hot fusion and zero-point' magnetic energy. Despite their enormous value to mankind (or because of it), these technologies continue to be suppressed, either actively or passively.

If this statement brings a charge of "paranoia" from the reader, consider the following stories, which, to the best of our knowledge, are true. They exemplify some of the reasons that over-unity technology has not gained worldwide attention or use. Names and places have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Dangers of Fame

In the late 1970s, Rory Johnson, a brilliant inventor in Elgin, Illinois, created a cold-fusion, laser-activated, magnetic motor that produced 525 horsepower, weighed 475 pounds and would propel a large truck of bus 100,000 miles on about 2 pounds of deuterium and gallium. This was years before either Pons & Fleischman or Dr. James Patterson entered the scene with their cold-fusion technology. Johnson entered negotiations with the Greyhound Bus Company to install this revolutionary motor in several buses in order to demonstrate fuel savings, maintenance reduction and, hence, the possibility of greater profits for Greyhound.

Tittle did he know, however, that OPEC keeps close track of any potential competition to its oil business and that he was number one on its hit list. His first mistake was publicizing, in many magazines, his plans to manufacture and distribute his revolutionary motor. (The writer has spoken with a few people who even signed up for distributorships.)

After a year of hearing nothing but silence from Johnson, Greyhound agents tried to contact him-only to be notified that he had passed away unexpectedly. This is a particularly troubling part of the story, since he had been in his early fifties and in robust health. Later, Greyhound learned that shortly before he died, Johnson had inexplicably moved our of his laboratory in the middle of the night and taken all of his motors and technology to California.

Another bizarre fact then surfaced: The U.S. Department of Energy had placed a restraining order on Johnson's company, Magnatron, Inc., prohibiting it from producing the Magnatron engine (see letter on page 51).

Other inventors have encountered similar and even stranger resistance.

During the FBI siege at Ruby Ridge, an inventor happened to be living and working on an advanced zero-point energy device in northern Idaho. As the story goes (told to me by an investor, the investor was on his way to visit "Inventor X," who had just made a breakthrough in free energy but also, like Rory Johnson, had made the mistake v£ publicizing his breakthrough-on a local TV station.

The day before the investor arrived, two government agents broke into the home, thinking that both Inventor X and his wife were away. As it happened, however, X's wife was still home and very familiar with the use of her hefty handgun. She held the agents at bay inside the house, while debunking their story that they were cable-TV repairmen checking out the lines. Had it not been for the siege at Ruby Ridge that day, who knows what else might have happened there. [See sidebar on page 45.)

h should be no surprise to anyone that big-money interests, oil cartels and nuclear-power companies control the government Fearing competition, powerful corporations divert most research I funds away from new or revolutionary technology. A classic example is the story of the government-funded hot-fusion reactor at Princeton's Plasma Physics Labs The giants in the nuclear-power field have long known of cleaner, safer and cheaper ways of producing nuclear energy, such as bombarding lithium with protons (known since 1932). However, they have withheld their knowledge, even keeping it out o£ college textbooks.

Know Your Audience

About 10 years ago, two very clever backyard inventors took a magnetic, electricity-generating flywheel off a Model T Ford, attached stationary magnets in a spiral arrangement to the outside and developed a self-generating motor-generator. Using the pulsed, bemi-derchy spiral principle,' this generator continually produced 1500 watts of power with no other input. They demonstrated their generator at UCLA, confounding the professors, students and other observers.

Evidently, some heavy-handed corporate types were in the audience, however, because the inventors never made it home from their demonstration: They were found dead along the highway. Their trailer, containing the generator, had disappeared.

Apparently the Japanese now have the technology, which they are calling the "Magnetic Wankel"' motor.

Magnetic Wankel

Yasunori Takahashi, the famous Japanese inventor who developed the Beta VCR, has retrofitted his newly developed, super-powerful "Y-f" magnets into his 15-horsepower Magnetic Wankel motors, claiming he can gee 15 horsepower from a few amperes of electricity. If the U.S. government allows the Japanese to export these scooters to America, we will see a further trade deficit in Japan's favor.

Rumor has it, however, that the U.S. government refused entry to the Magnetic Wankel (in Mazda vehicles) several years ago, just as it blocked Honda's super-high-mileage, gas-powered cars ac about the same time. Such protectionism may be "good for business" (at least for the oil companies and domestic auto manufacturers), but it hurts others and punishes the environment.

Black Helicopters To the Rescue!

At the International Tesla Society conference in 1993, a videotape of an advanced generator utilizing tachyon waves' was presented without the inventor's permission. This generator not only produces excess energy, but also exhibits time-warping characteristics. ') he rape was shown on a Friday afternoon, 3,000 miles from the inventor's home. The very .next day, FBI yr Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATE) agents knocked on the inventor's door wanting to see the device. He kindly told them no- The next day, a black helicopter hovered above his house taking pictures o£ the inside. (These black helicopters and eve??? some satellites now have the capability of photographing every item inside a building.)

A similar situation occurred with another inventor, who was working with an advanced form o£ plasma-discharge energy. One day, his neighbors told him they had seen a black helicopter hovering over his house for several hours while he was away at work. Evidently, it was photographing his technology in the basement.

After three weeks of surveillance, a six-roan team, wearing brown uniforms with "S.W.A.T." on the back, kicked down the lab door, showing no search warrant, and with axes destroyed half a million dollars' worth of equipment in half an hour.

The thugs forced the inventors face-down onto the floor, and, demanding to see the nuclear source, beat the scientists' heads against the concrete until they nearly choked on their own blood. Before leaving, they ordered the inventors to cease all further development. That was not the end of their troubles. Soon after, an apartment building belonging to one of the inventors was condemned, and the tenants ordered to leave. The engineer is being harassed by the IRS to this day.

The late Floyd Sweet developed the vacuum triode amplifier, an advanced, solid-state, magnetic over-unity device called a "VTA." In the late 19805, a man claiming to represent a conglomerate met with Sweet and told him he did not want the VTA to come onto the market at that tinge: "It is not beyond possibilities to take you out of the way.""

The Revolution Will Not Be Terrorized

Work continues on these technologies, even faster than before. Many inventors have left the United States to work in more futuristic environments-with less corporate fascism.'° Most of the inventions mentioned in this article have been taken underground, to prepare for the day when they will be a necessity in a modern, free-market, environmentally sensitive society.

A Personal Brush With Big Brother

I checked in at the Sheraton Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on a Thursday morning to July for the Tesla Extraordinary Science Conference. It was attended by 400 interested scientists, corporate execs, small business owners - and at least six CIA agents. I happened to be looking over the shoulder of one agent when, in the process of paying his registration fee, he exposed his gold CIA badge. After completing his registration, he turned to talk to another man who was seen throughout the conference taking videos of everything and everyone.

The individual who had shown his badge posed as a floor-covering representative; last year he impersonated an M.D. The video cameraman had a biology background and worked for a company in Connecticut that transports high-risk or unique cargo. He was seen talking with another possible CIA video man. When someone asked the "floor covering rep" whether he were CIA, he flashed the small CIA pin under his lapel, as required by law.

An interesting incident related to Bruce Perrault's presentation of T. Henry Morav's advanced radiant-energy device. Airport security would not allow Perrault to bring the device with him on the plane; they were "afraid" it had a radioactive tube, which it did not. When his plane stopped in Kansas City, CIA and security agents made sure he didn't have the tube with him. The tube he used at the conference had only mercury inside. Unable to actually perform his demonstration on Saturday, Perrault asked John Moreland to fill in information that he had accumulated in years past. Moreland suggested that he had been threatened by the CIA if he made the technology known. Afterwards, he said he revealed about 80 percent of it.

Monday morning, two other alleged CIA agents were crankshaft. Though this engine 15 Simpler than a Standard Internal-combustion engine, seen sitting at a table in the hotel restaurant, next to Kevin with investors and took notes.

When asked why he continually refuses to make a presentation at the annual Tesla conference, another prominent revolutionary magnetic motor, but was rejected by the Austrian patent office, which notified inventor answered, "It is infiltrated by the CIA."

Incidentally, the O.S.S. (forerunner of the CIA) kept track passive suppression. (Also from Jeane Manning - the Coming Energy Revolution.) of Tesla's technology; today, Tesla's work on particle acceleration is the basis for advanced particle-beam weaponry, which is being developed by the United States in the black budget Star Wars program.

How You Can Help

Readers: Write your legislators; let them know what is going on, fell them we need this revolutionary technology developed worldwide, including in the United States, to keep Mother Earth from deteriorating faster than she is now. Inventors: Do not make sensational claims on television or radio or in newspapers-even local ones-about your breakthroughs. Keep theist quiet if you want them (and yourself) to survive! Do not antagonize the oil or nuclear cartels by making statements that your technology will put them out of business. It is going to take a long time to make even a dent in oil imports or nuclear power-plane replacements.

Erik Masen holds a master's degree in environmental science and engineering. He has been researching new energy technologies since 1992 and has attended many related conventions. He uses his networking contacts 2o find funding and technical support for inventors.


1 Superconductivity is an effect in which electrical resistance is sharply reduced; there is virtually no resistance whatsoever, and the energy is transferred by the resonance of two similar materials. This can occur al room temperature.

2. Chain Reaction, a major feature film released this summer, dramatizes the theme of active-very active-suppression closely paralleling the stories in this article

3 Nikola Tesla: best known for inventing alternating Current (AC), Whose Subsequent inventions and theories about free energy and wireless power transmission ware 5upplessed. He also invented the radio, although most textbooks credit Marconi. John Keely; 19th century researcher in vibratory phenomena, reputed to have built a funneling machine that melted rack, and a device he called the "Liberator," which was purportedly fueled by energy released by imploding bubbles created by sound waves in water-a phenomenon now recognized by physicists but as yet un-harnessed. Thomas Henry Moray: Extracted energy from "space flux"', pioneer in semiconductor research, inventor in 1939 of the "Radiant energy Device. His invention was destroyed by sabotage, this family threatened and he himself attacked and wounded.

4. Zero-point exists as random fluctuations of electricity, persisting even at a temperature of absolute zero, at which all ether sources energy are extinguish.

5 read The Fifty-Year Nuclear War" by David Sereda in the Jan/Feb 1996 issue of Perceptions for more eye-opening details. This article shows a classic example of passive suppression of new, clean, economical, alternative cold-fusion energy.

6. The "hemi-derchy spiral" principle is an ingenious method of perpetuating the speed of a rotor using the principle of magnetic repulsion: The magnetic stator ring is not circular but shaped as a section of an expanding spiral, so that as the rotor spins within, a magnet mounted on the rotor's edge will always have a larger gap between it and the stator ring at its leading edge, thus utilizing the greater repulsion of the trailing edge- as proximity increases repulsion between two magnets-so boosting the rotor through each spin.

7. Felix Wankel developed the lightweight rotary internal-combustion engine in the 1950s. Power is produced once every turn of the rotor, producing rotary-power directly without a crankshaft. Though this engine is simpler than a standard internal-combustion engine. Problems with rotor seals and heat dissipation have limited its widespread use.

8. The "hemi-derchy spiral" principles is an ingenious method of perpetuating the speed of a rotor using the principle of magnetic repulsion: The magnetic slator ring is not circular but shaped as a section of an expanding spiral, so that s the rotor spins within, a magnet mounted on the rotor's edge will always have a large gap between it and the slator ring as its leading edge, thus utilizing the greater repulsion of the trailing edge-as proximity increases repulsion between two magnets-so boosting the rotor through each spin.

9 Quoted by Jeane Manning in The Coming Energy Revolution, Avery Publishing Group, Conversation with investors and took notes. Den City, N.Y 1996, p. 18.

I0 Suppression occurs in other countries as well. Johan Grander of Austria developed revolution and magnetic motor, but but was rejected by the Austrian patent office, which notified inventor answered, "It is infiltrated by the CIA." Grander, Inventions which are detrimental to products in existence may not be granted a patent. At least 200 Cold-fusion patents are "pending" in the United States, another form of Incidentally, the O.S.S. (forerunner of the CIA) kept track passive suppression. (Also from Jeane Manning. The Coming Energy Revolution.)

On Suppression by "Inventor X"

The powers-that-be made me angry! I do not like my telephone tapped, tracers put on my automobiles, round-the-clock surveillance, and my mail messed with. I do not like the "little" things that happen" around me.

I have gone so for as to set up a "dead man" procedure, so if I become unable to profit from my inventive thinking, complete copies of my notes will be sent 2o selected individuals. I don't really see where it is such a big deal. The powers-that-be can simply invest in my technology, or others like it and make as much money as before. Suppressing these technologies benefits no one. Unlimited energy would potentially make this planets prosperous paradise.

The United States Patent Office has a policy prohibiting it from allowing a patent on a perpetual-motion machine. This is a case in point of what happens when you have too much government. Why make a policy against something that you believe impossible? A second irony to the situation is that the patent office already allows patents on devices that don't work! So, why would they care if a perpetual motion or an over-unify machine works or not? Their real function is simply to record the patents a5 the inventor applies it. IF it works or not really isn't their job. They exist to have records on file so that the inventor can point to a specific place and time and say, "See, I invented it before you" and therefore have the manufacturing and sales rights for a given amount of time. That's all! That's it!

In my opinion, the U.S. Patent Office way oversteps its function by discrimination against many patents. But then, its attitude has been strange for a long time. Charles H. Duell, director of the U.S. Patent Office in 7 889, stated, ". . . everything that can be invented... has been invented." I always get a chuckle when I think of that.

In reality, in our so-called "free-enterprise" system, the marketplace will determine the value of a patent. A patent that doesn't work or is impractical when applied as a device, simply won't sell. A device that is superior has a chance to take over from the existing technologies. How many people really care what happens when they flick on the light switch? Most people simply want the light to tome on! And if they can get the same light for a fraction of the cost, then they would care about the savings without worrying about the "new" technology that made it possible. Practical devices will sell, and it shouldn't be up the patent office to determine the practicality of a device. Or? You can believe it or not, but we live in a police state. The United States and Canada have only the illusion of "freedom.' I'd very much like you (or anyone) to prove this statement wrong for two reasons: First, I really want to be tree and have the rights granted me by the original constitution. Second, if you look info the subject hard enough to prove me wrong, you'll find that I'm right, and you'll be educated, which is my intention. I still retain the hope that we can, enough people get together, turn our countries back to the dream held by our ancestors.

Some Reasons for Over-Unity Suppression

1. Throughout recent history, the strong oil lobby has suppressed high-mileage carburetors with violent threats and/or rigid mandates. With its tremendous investments in oil fields, refineries and distribution systems, it wields a big stick against free-energy, over-unity systems. (Once its members are enlightened, however, they can be major players in this revolution.) Also, free energy need not be a threat to them, and it will take decades to implement.

2. Some tear that the world is on the brink of financial collapse and that revolutionary breakthroughs in energy production or distribution systems could collapse our economic system since it is founded on finite sources of money and energy. The powers-that-be control the masses through the pocketbook-they don't want to lose their grip.

3. As Einstein said, "Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds:" Other causes for opposition include egos, perceived self-interest of competitors and establishment views that this technology is crazy or preposterous. The unpleasant tasks of adding to or restating some of the laws of classical physics and chemistry will absorb vast amounts of university professors' research time before they can verify these new discoveries.

5. People in power (academic, political, technological or business) do not like revolutionary changes which might threaten their position in the hierarchy.

6. The masses in this materialistic, uninformed age show great ignorance and indifference about the state of the earth's delicate ecosystem and the effects of pollutants on human, plant and animal life.

7. National security; Used in war, this technology would offer a decided advantage-but the Cold War is over, so let's help free mankind from drudgery and financial chains and at the same time save Mother Earth!


[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]