Re: Vorsicht: Zahnpasta könnte gefährliches Natrium- statt Kalziumflourit enthal

[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]

Geschrieben von spacekadance am 02. Juli 2005 12:09:59:

Als Antwort auf: Vorsicht: Zahnpasta könnte gefährliches Natrium- statt Kalziumflourit enthalten geschrieben von Emil am 24. Juni 2005 19:10:40:

>Living Energies,196 by Callum Coats
>Artificial fluoridation of the water supplies is another pernicious process
>with equally alarming consequences for the drinker. There are two different
>forms of fluoride, one of which, calcium fluoride, is naturally occuring.
>Where present in the groundwater or wells it has been observed that the teeth
>of those who drink such water are much stronger and less prone to caries. The
>other, sodium fluoride is not found naturally and is a poisonous by-product of
>aluminium smelting and used in insecticides.
>But what to do with this growing pile of poison without incurring huge storage
>costs? It could not merely be flushed into rivers or used in agriculture, because
>it kills livestock, wildlife, fish and crops. Indeed the offspring of the 3rd generation
>of rats given 1ppm of sodium fluoride in their drinking water were crippled at birth.
>How and why sodium fluoride ever found its way into toothpaste is a mystery.
>Perhaps some mistaken bureaucrat thought it had the same beneficial effect as
>calcium fluoride and required its addition to drinking water.

Hallo liebes Forum!

Wer weiss mehr über den unterschied zwischen Natrium und Kalziumfluorid.
Ich habe gerade eine Kieferoperation hinter mich gebracht und vom Arzt
eine Natriumfluoridhaltige Zahnfleischspülung verschrieben bekommen.??????

jeder Hinweis ist erwünscht,

vielen Dank spacekadance


[ Zauberspiegel Wissenschaft Ideenfabrik ]